

info:Thank you for contacting support. We are aware of an issue with WebMail connectivity for a small subset of our customers. Our network operations team is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Please check our website under the Support section for updates on this alert. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please hold for the next available operator to respond.
info:You are now chatting with ‘Alfred Sanders’

Alfred Sanders:Hi 蝸牛, My name is Alfred. How are you today?
蝸牛:so far so good.
Alfred Sanders:How can I help you today?
蝸牛:Could you help me to check my database.
Alfred Sanders:Sure.
蝸牛:There is a db named woman, I just can not acces it 5 miniute ago.
Alfred Sanders:I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Alfred Sanders:Please provide me with the exact URL of the page.
蝸牛:It’s a wordpress system.
蝸牛:It shows me the install step.
蝸牛:when the db is empty, it’s will show me the message.
蝸牛:And I log into cPanel, and open phpmyadmin , I can not see the orginal db “woman”.
Alfred Sanders:Could you please hold for 4 to 5 minutes, while I verify the information that you have provided in the pre-chat survey?
Alfred Sanders:Thank you for your patience. I will be back with some more information in 4 to 5 minutes.
Alfred Sanders:Thank you for holding.
Alfred Sanders:I was able to view the database name ‘woman’ in your account at: http://members.ipower.com/controlpanel/MySQL/index.bml .
Alfred Sanders:You need to click on the database name and click on the icon ‘Access phpMyAdmin’.

蝸牛:I just can not access my db.
蝸牛:let me check it.
蝸牛:wordpress system still can not accee the database
Alfred Sanders:Please provide me with the error message which you are receiving.
蝸牛:There is no error message
蝸牛:I just click access phpmyadmin.
蝸牛:I still can not see the db “woman”.
Alfred Sanders:Please change the password for the same database name.

蝸牛:I just show the data in the list of manage database.
Alfred Sanders:Once it is done, you will be able to log into the database via phpMyAdmin.

蝸牛:It’s done.
蝸牛:I just change the database password as the dbname.
蝸牛:no, I still can not access db woman in phpmyadmin.
Alfred Sanders:Please provide me with the password.

蝸牛:dbpassword the same as dbname
蝸牛:How could I provide the capture screen for you.
Alfred Sanders:I was able to duplicate your issue. In order to investigate further, I need to escalate the issue to one of our technical specialists. You will be able to view the activity and the status of the ticket in the Support Console of the account.

Alfred Sanders:http://www.ipower.com/member/sconsole .
Alfred Sanders:Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
蝸牛:When you specialist finish this please mail me.
Alfred Sanders:You will be contacted via your Support Console.
Alfred Sanders:Thanks for chatting with us today, we appreciate your business and want to let you know that you can earn credit towards future hosting renewals by taking advantage of our referral program:
Alfred Sanders:http://www.ipower.com/referral/ .

他們的專家在三個小時候回信給我,說重設完我的密碼,已經可以用了,但是實際操作,還是發生相同的問題,經過一天一夜問題還是沒有解決。這次又跑去線上詢問系統live chat.
Dorin Hardy: Hi 蝸牛. My name is Dorin Hardy, how are you today?
蝸牛: hello
Dorin Hardy: How can I help you today?
蝸牛: could you help me to check my database?
Dorin Hardy: Okay.
Dorin Hardy: What exactly seems to be the issue?
蝸牛: my db “woman” could not access through phpmyadmin correctly.
Dorin Hardy: I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Dorin Hardy: Did you receive any error message?
蝸牛: the screen request me to keyin password.
Dorin Hardy: Okay.
Dorin Hardy: Please provide me with the database password.
蝸牛: It will show me the same message after me input the password.
蝸牛: woman ID woman password ********
Dorin Hardy: May I place you on hold while I review your account and get back to you within 4 or 5 minutes?
蝸牛: OK
Dorin Hardy: Thank you for holding.
Dorin Hardy: Could you please try connecting to the database now?
Dorin Hardy: Did you receive my last message?
蝸牛: yes
蝸牛: Trying now
Dorin Hardy: Okay.
蝸牛: Service Unavailable – Zero size object The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later. Reference #15.8a7ffea5.1270131395.b74003c
靠北邊走,我的DB變成沒有大小的zero size,也就是說我的22,000篇文章不見了

蝸牛: zero size?
Dorin Hardy: Could you please try connecting to the database using other computer?
蝸牛: no.
蝸牛: just only one desktop I can try to use.
Dorin Hardy: I was able to connect to the MySQL Database without any issue 蝸牛.
Dorin Hardy: Could you please try connecting to the database once you restart the computer? If the issue still persists, please get back to us.

蝸牛: I can test it in IE, i am using FireFox now.
Dorin Hardy: Okay.
蝸牛: trying now
蝸牛: hold on please
Dorin Hardy: Yes.
蝸牛: the same message
蝸牛: Service Unavailable – Zero size object The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later. Reference #15.4f7145cb.1270131648.1f39422
Dorin Hardy: That’s strange.
Dorin Hardy: I am able to connect to the database without any issue 蝸牛.
蝸牛: I try to use the wordpress sytem .
Dorin Hardy: Okay.
蝸牛: The syste shows me the message to install
蝸牛: It’s happend yesterday.
蝸牛: Is the db crash?
Dorin Hardy: No.
Dorin Hardy: I did not receive such error message 蝸牛.
Dorin Hardy: Could you please try connecting to the database once you restart the computer? If the issue still persists, please get back to us.
蝸牛: please tell me, how can I do?
蝸牛: I try to connection in my Office with diffrent computer
蝸牛: It’s show me the same message.
蝸牛: I will reboot my desktop and try again.
蝸牛: thanks for your help.
Dorin Hardy: Okay.
Dorin Hardy: That will be fine.
Nina Scott: Hi 蝸牛. My name is Nina Scott, how are you today?
蝸牛: hello
Nina Scott: How can I help you today?
蝸牛: could you help me to check my database woman.
蝸牛: your engineer told me to reboot and connection my db again.
蝸牛: I still get the same error message.
Nina Scott: I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
蝸牛: The status happen since yesterday.
Nina Scott: Please let me know the database name and username.
蝸牛: you engineer says that the issue is fix. but it still happend now.
蝸牛: dbname woman user woman passwd ********
Nina Scott: Okay.
蝸牛: I still waiting……..
Nina Scott: Please try to access the database now.
蝸牛: system still need me to keyin password when I using phpMyadmin
Nina Scott: May I place you on hold? I am going to research this for you right now and it should take about 4-5 minutes. I’ll be back as quickly as I can.
蝸牛: OK
Nina Scott: Thank you for your patience. I am still looking into your issue. Can you please hold for another 2 to 3 minutes?
Nina Scott: Thank you for holding.
Nina Scott: I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Nina Scott: I will reopen the ticket now.
蝸牛: so, you had test this in your computer?
Nina Scott: Yes, I was able to duplicate the issue.
蝸牛: your engineer told me that he can open my db success.
Nina Scott: I was unable to connect.
Nina Scott: I will reopen the ticket for further investigation.

蝸牛: your engineer told me the duplicate the issue yesterday. your spcialist just only reset my password.
蝸牛: I had reset my db before , I don’t know what’s your procedure to check db.
蝸牛: It’s 22,000 post in this db, it’s important for me.
蝸牛: plase tell your guy , please fix this issue asap please.
Nina Scott: We will fix that issue.
Nina Scott: You can view the resolution via Support Console.
蝸牛: thanks you , Nina.
蝸牛: see you
先說,出問題的不是我這個站的寄存商,我這個站的寄存商超好了,有一次我不小心刪了一個DB,結果請他們還原回來,他們的工程師說,通常來說要收$USD 80,但是他這次免費幫我弄,真的超貼心的,而且到現在為止,也沒有出現過什麼太大的狀況,爛IPower/Startlogic,千萬不要買這兩家的服務(其實還有好幾家不同的公司,fatcow肥牛等等其實都是Ipower,改天遇到狀況再來回報),不然掉了幾萬篇文章,不是哭就能解決的問題,拿錢來也沒有用的時候,就真的很慘了。




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