Build a image
touch Dockfile
From ubuntu
docker build -t imagename .
create a image
docker images
show build image
docker run -d –name imagename -t tagname
run a container
docker ps
show running container
docker images
show images
docker ps
show running container, get CONTAINER ID
docker stop [container id]
docker ps
check running image again
docker ps -a
show the whole container running and stopped
docker restart [container id]
restart a container
docker rm [container id]
remove a container
docker rm [container id] [container id] [container id]
remove container(s)
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
stop all running cainters
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
remove all cainters
docker rmi [imagename]
remove image
docker rmi [imagename] [imagename] [imagename]
remove image(s)
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
remove all images
du -sh /var/lib/docker
check images size
df -h /var/lib/docker
check available space
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