I hosting my several site in midphase(AnHosting),in last mid night , 3 of my site overuseage of the CPU & Memory.
They do not mail any notice mail to me. And just suspend my service. I was very tired last night. I think the status is temprory.
So, I go to bed , and get a nice dream. But this morning, the situation never change.
The suspend my account, and I wrote 3 service ticket to them, and never get any response.
I hove no chance to modify my site to improve the resource need. And the disable my account, I can not login to FTP , either.
After I login into custom service panel, I just see the one ticket, and it’s the 1st warning. The service guy told me that, 3 times warning, they will suspend my account.
But this is the 1st waring, they told me that “3 site of the account is over usage”. This is different of they policy. They told me , it’s the policy.
Their server does not provide any report, how can I care about the situation of my site?
===Warming mail====
Due to the amount of CPU and/or memory resources used by your account, we were
forced into suspending the account. Please understand that we only suspend an
account as a last resort and want to help you track down the cause as quickly
as possible.
Shared servers (MegaPhase, Prophase, and ANHosting accounts) are only allotted
10% of the server’s resources (CPU and Memory) at any given time. This
restriction is put in place to keep balance on the server. The first step is to
try to isolate what content on your website is causing the overage. If this
seems unexpected, it could be a recent change to your site (such as installing
a new wordpress plugin, mailing list application, etc). Any information you can
provide about recent changes can help us to isolate the problem. However, we
were able to retrieve the following files and/or scripts that likely caused the
aflychi8 aflypen.com 7.84 1.58 1.8
Top Process %CPU 48.5 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 44.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 31.0 /usr/bin/php
If one of the files listed above is your home page (such as index.php or
index.html), or if it’s just a general overage then this usually means that
your site has outgrown shared hosting. The typical path from here is to upgrade
to a VPS plan. The VPS plans grant you additional resources in order to handle
more traffic. If you’re interested in upgrading to either of these plans,
please visit:
We’re not attempting to upsale you to a more expensive plan, however, we’re
simply providing you an upgrade path to ensure the future success of your
If you’re not sure where to proceed from here, simply reply to this ticket and
let us know! Again, please understand that we suspend accounts due to resource
overage in order ‘keep the peace’ on the box. After all, you are ‘sharing’ it
with others!
Thank You,
===end of the warning mail===
After 3 hours of my complian, they reply me.
===The reply mail===
Due to the amount of CPU and/or memory resources used by your account, we were
forced into suspending the account. Please understand that we only suspend an
account as a last resort and want to help you track down the cause as quickly
as possible.
Shared servers (MegaPhase, Prophase, and ANHosting accounts) are only allotted
10% of the server’s resources (CPU and Memory) at any given time. This
restriction is put in place to keep balance on the server. The first step is
try to isolate what content on your website is causing the overage. If this
seems unexpected, it could be a recent change to your site (such as installing
a new wordpress plugin, mailing list application, etc). Any information you
provide about recent changes can help us to isolate the problem. However, we
were able to retrieve the following files and/or scripts that likely caused
aflychi8 aflypen.com 7.84 1.58 1.8
Top Process %CPU 48.5 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 44.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 31.0 /usr/bin/php
If one of the files listed above is your home page (such as index.php or
index.html), or if it’s just a general overage then this usually means that
your site has outgrown shared hosting. The typical path from here is to
to a VPS plan. The VPS plans grant you additional resources in order to handle
more traffic. If you’re interested in upgrading to either of these plans,
please visit:
We’re not attempting to upsale you to a more expensive plan, however, we’re
simply providing you an upgrade path to ensure the future success of your
If you’re not sure where to proceed from here, simply reply to this ticket and
let us know! Again, please understand that we suspend accounts due to
overage in order ‘keep the peace’ on the box. After all, you are ‘sharing’ it
with others!
Thank You,
Best Regards,
Roberto Hernandez
Technical Support Representative
Hosting Services Inc.
How was your experience with this ticket? Please let us know by completing the
following survey:
For answers to common questions please check our knowledgebase at
===End of the reply mail===
I am a programer, I know how to modify my program to save resouce.
I can not accept the foce to suspend my account, and modify my files.
After the modify my site, I shoud check each file and function of my site.
There are more than 10 server hosting on their site, do you know how logn time do I need?
If they want me to buy another package, they can tell me now, don’t do this like a boy.
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