Top 10 Ways to Piss Off the IT Guy:
1.Fail to mentions problems during normal work hours but always bring them up on breaks, at lunch or 5 minutes before closing.
2.Be too lazy to write an email of a problem but call the IT guy over when he is walking by – obviously on the way to solve a separate problem.
3.Assume that your issue is the most important one and that the IT guy will drop everything right away to fix it.
4.Become irritated when a problem is not solved right away – believe it or not, a certain amount of time is needed to solve every single problem.
5.Attempt to fix a problem yourself (thinking that you’ll save the IT guys some time), only to make the original issue even worse.
6.Email your IT guy with a non-descriptive, super-general statement about a problem such as, “my computer won’t work”.
7.Assume that the IT guy is aware of every issue – even when nobody has brought it to his attention.
8.Assume that every technological issue that arises is somehow the fault of the IT guy – sometimes it is, usually it isn’t.
9.Call the IT guy instead of emailing him and start your first sentence with, “this isn’t a big deal but…”. Then why are you calling?!
10.Make every issue sound like its the end of the world – it only makes the IT guy realize that none of your issues are really that important.
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