
UMPC-PC、手機大融合 威盛擘畫UMPC美好未來

上網時間 : 2006年12月21日

PC與行動電話這兩項產品可說是撐起電子產業的兩大支柱。隨著產業發展的轉變,當業者絞盡腦汁尋找下個大宗主流商品時,定位於融合手機與PC應用的超行動PC (UMPC) 近來成為另一個引人矚目的話題。這兩大主流產品的結合是否真的能為電子產業擦出新的火花?還是這又只是類似數年前失敗的Tablet PC又再次捲土重來?從業者的角度來看,市場需求的改變與技術發展的演進,的確已為這種概念的產品帶來新的機會。其中,其C7-M處理器已為三星採用於Q1B UMPC產品的威盛電子(VIA),自然是這股趨勢的大力擁護者。


UMPC今年在漢諾威CeBIT展成為當紅炸子雞,筆記型電腦業者包括三星、華碩、技嘉等,今年均在展場中大力推廣新款UMPC(Ultra Mobile PC),負責提供晶片組的威盛,可望成為最大贏家。

威盛預計第三季發表新款UMPC晶片組,代號CX3M,與前一代的C7-M相較,將更強調繪圖技術,可支援Vista Aero 3D介面。


VIA VX700 – Making Your World Portable

This product is available fully ROHS-compliant.

Continuing VIA’s trend for setting new standards for high levels of integration and performance for today’s core logic solutions, the VIA VX700 system media processor, a powerful unified IGP chipsets, pushes the technology envelope to deliver a remarkable all-round feature set. Designed specifically for today’s ultra thin’n’light notebooks and ultra mobile devices, the VIA VX700 integrates all the cutting-edge features of a modern chipset’s North and South bridges, including rich video graphics, HD audio, and DDR2 and SATA II support, into a single, compact and highly power-efficient package measuring just 35mmx35mm.

Complementing the power-efficient VIA C7®-M and C7®-M ULV processors it supports, the VIA VX700 is based on a highly sophisticated power efficient architecture that enables such rich integration into a compact package with a maximum power envelope of just 3.5 watts. A number of key power management technologies are incorporated that monitor activity and dynamically control power according to system load requirements.

The VIA VX700 utilizes the VIA UniChrome™ Pro Integrated Graphics Processor (IGP) ensuring optimal performance for all multimedia, entertainment, and productivity applications. With an internal data flow equivalent to the latest AGP 8X graphics cards, a 200MHz 2D/3D graphics engine and features dedicated 128-bit data paths for pixel data flow and texture/command access.

The VIA UniChrome Pro IGP graphics core also features the Chromotion™ video engine raising the bar for digital entertainment support on PC systems. The Chromotion™ video engine employs a multi-faceted approach to displaying multimedia content, implementing a number of advanced tools at every stage of video processing. These include integrated MPEG-2 decoding, for flawless digital video playback with ultra-low CPU-utilization, and advanced rendering tools such as Adaptive De-Interlacing and Video Deblocking, which ensure clearer playback of digital content on all display devices.


VIA Eden™ and Eden™ ULV Processors (90nm)

Specifically targeted at a range of business, industrial and commercial applications such as thin clients, silent desktops, IPCs and set top boxes where ultra cool, ultra quiet, reliable performance is essential. The new VIA Eden processor family boasts an ultra-efficient architecture, world-class 90nm production and the highly efficient VIA V4 bus interface for unprecedented passively-cooled, ‘fanless’ performance.

Scaling from 400MHz to 1.2GHz within a maximum power envelope of 7W, the VIA Eden processor offers impressive power efficiency and highly effective heat dissipation all within an ultra compact NanoBGA2 package measuring just 21mm x 21mm. When combined with the most recent VIA C-Series digital media IGP chipsets, which have been designed as companion sets for the latest VIA processors, system developers can utilize an impressive range of features for a wide range of desktop and embedded applications.

UMPC-VIA NanoBook UMD Reference Design

VIA NanoBook UMD Reference Design

The revolutionary VIA NanoBook Ultra Mobile Device Reference Design ushers in the Mobility 2.0 lifestyle. Based on the VIA Ultra Mobility Platform, the NanoBook lets you bring the full Internet experience with you wherever you go. The NanoBook’s bright 7″ touchscreen provides an optimal mobile web-browsing experience, while the full-size keyboard means you don’t have sacrifice comfort for mobility. Weighing in at 850 grams, the NanoBook is less than 30mm thick making it a snap to pull out and grab that crucial bit of information you have stashed away. Best of all the VIA Ultra Mobility Platform, based on the the incredibly power efficient VIA C7-M processor, allows your Mobility 2.0 Internet experience to extend beyond the 4 hour mark.

OLPC-廣達:OLPC即將量產 Eee PC不成威脅

記者曠文溱/台北報導 2007/08/31 21:01


廣達今日召開第二季法說會,在會前的記者會上,廣達副董事長暨總經理梁次震表示,儘管面對部分零組件缺貨問題,但是由於供應商和OLPC團隊先前已經簽訂合約,因此OLPC確定會在第四季正式出貨。面對另一低價電腦陣營–由英特爾領軍的Classmate PC計畫成員華碩(Asus)的低價電腦Eee PC即將面市,梁次震強調,OLPC鎖定的是開發中國家學童,和Eee PC在價格和規格上都偏向已開發國家市場相比定位大不相同,「OLPC接受度不會受到Eee PC的影響,」梁次震說。


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