我手上還有一個放在Anhosting上的網站,最近無緣無故無法提供服務,老實說,我沒有接到任何的通知信,我確認網域還活著(服務期到七月),網站寄存是在差不多時間轉過去的。光是Online Chat,就要等五分鐘,還沒有回應,等了2次都一樣,怎麼可能會有一個線上服務這麼差的。要讓客人等這麼久,乾脆把服務關起來好了。
Jordan: [6:13:39 PM] Hello 蝸牛! Thank you for contacting ANHosting Shared Technical Support! My name is Jordan, how can I help you?
蝸牛: [6:13:39 PM] I don’t get the alert mail.
[6:14:19 PM] The service is expire, and I don’t get the mail.
[6:19:25 PM] somebody there?
[6:19:45 PM] I am waiting for 6 minutes.
Jordan: [6:21:43 PM] Hello 蝸牛! Thank you for contacting ANHosting Shared Technical Support! My name is Jordan, how can I help you?
蝸牛: [6:21:43 PM] service expire
[6:22:24 PM] hello
[6:22:32 PM] hello
[6:22:44 PM] ????????????
[6:22:45 PM] hello
[6:27:47 PM] waiting for 6 minutes again, what a poor service you are.
Jordan: [6:44:32 PM] Hello 蝸牛! Thank you for contacting ANHosting Shared Technical Support! My name is Jordan, how can I help you?
蝸牛: [6:44:32 PM] This Account Has Been Suspended
Jordan: [6:44:49 PM] Hello 蝸牛. Please wait while I look up your account.
蝸牛: [6:45:31 PM] Thanks
Jordan: [6:49:32 PM] I have reviewed your account and I can’t see any reason why the account has been suspended.Because of this I will go ahead and unsuspend this account for you as soon as you have verified that you are the authorized user for this account. You can verify by providing one of the following:1. Provide us with a copy of the original welcome email
2. Provide us with your client ID and billing password
3. Email us from the authorized email address
4. Provide Cpanel username and Password.
5. Provide us with the last four digits of the credit card on file
2. Provide us with your client ID and billing password
3. Email us from the authorized email address
4. Provide Cpanel username and Password.
5. Provide us with the last four digits of the credit card on file
蝸牛: [6:51:01 PM] ID XXXXX
Passowrd …….
Passowrd …….
[6:51:58 PM] Please give a reason to let me report my boss, why your company suspend our account with no reason.
Jordan: [6:52:06 PM] I’m sorry but that information is invalid.
[6:52:28 PM] That password is incorrect.
蝸牛: [6:53:13 PM] XXXX.com
[6:56:00 PM] please the the password ” XXXX ” again, and we never modify the password.
Jordan: [6:56:47 PM] That is the password I used and it is incorrect. You gave me your cpanel username. Is that the password for your cpanel or your Billing?
蝸牛: [6:56:53 PM] I can log into the control panel.
[6:57:09 PM] and it work now.
[6:58:04 PM] please test it to login the control panel.
[7:00:23 PM] somebody there?
Jordan: [7:05:45 PM] Yes, I am here.
[7:06:17 PM] I have gone ahead and unsuspended your account. However I do not know why it was suspended. There was no record made on our end of why it was suspended.
蝸牛: [7:08:14 PM] please check the action record, and fined the reason, this event let us feel so bad.
[7:11:36 PM] and we do not get any alert mail, please give me a good reason let us to trust your service is trustable.
Jordan: [7:13:10 PM] I am sorry 蝸牛, but I have checked all of our records and there isn’t any action or reason recorded. It is our standard to always contact our clients anytime we suspend their account, but I couldn’t find any correspondence where we contacted you regarding this. The suspension was either a mistake, or the Technician who suspended the account didn’t follow the standard procedures. This will not happen again.
蝸牛: [7:14:28 PM] so, how can I report this to my boss?
[7:16:21 PM] please report this event to your to guy who can give me a reason.
Jordan: [7:18:39 PM] Hello 蝸牛, I do not know who suspended your account, and I do not know the reason, however I will report this to my manager. Because someone suspended the account without notifying you the reason my manager will need to hear about this. If we find out the reason why it was suspended we will contact you.
蝸牛: [7:19:36 PM] thanks.
[7:20:09 PM] I hope your company could give me a good reason to let me report my boos.
Jordan: [7:21:37 PM] I hope we can find that reason as well. I do apologize for these issues.
Anhosting 無緣無故關閉我的帳號,而且沒有留下任何記錄,造成我網站無法提供服務,他們找不到任何的理由。帳號被關也就算了,我也沒有接到任何的通知信,等發現,已經是很多天之後的事了。一間網路公司做到這樣,實在無法讓人信任。希望他們真的能夠回報完上級之後,給我一個合理滿意的答案。反正,Anhosting服務爛(應詃說爛透了~我實在不想用這樣的方式來形容他們)也不是一天兩天的事了,服務真的很無法令人恭維。
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