When I modify the timezone of my ubuntu 2004,
It’s not work,show the error
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Taipei
sudo: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE): Operation not permitted
When I modify the timezone of my ubuntu 2004,
It’s not work,show the error
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Taipei
sudo: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE): Operation not permitted
Windows 10 的Bug,光看上Patch的速度就知道,真的不少。所以Windows 10又被稱為Bug 10。
Windows 10 2004 推出時,就有災情傳出,除了微軟自己的Surface book自己睡死,到前陣子列表機的問題之後,又被發現資安漏洞,所以,天天都更新,天天都不奇怪。
上週,我們公司的舊華碩桌機,在更新關機後,隔天出現無法開機的情況。原本單純的以為,Windows 10更新之後,啟動區死掉了。
Read more好不容易,從wordpess 2.7.1升到wordpress 2.8.0,結果今天登入後台,2.8.1更新版出現了,搞不懂,為什麼才幾天就出現更新版。
之前wordpress 2.8.0就有聽說會如期發佈,在我看來,可能是趕著推出,不然wordpress 2.8.1更新版怎麼這麼快就出來了。
WordPress 2.8.1 fixes many bugs and tightens security for plugin administration pages. Core Security Technologies notified us that admin pages added by certain plugins could be viewed by unprivileged users, resulting in information being leaked. Not all plugins are vulnerable to this problem, but we advise upgrading to 2.8.1 to be safe.
What else is new since 2.8? Read through the highlights below, or view all changes since 2.8